@article{14321, keywords = {Gender and Deliberation}, author = {Lisa Argyle and Tali Mendelberg}, title = {Improving Women{\textquoteright}s Advancement in Political Science: What We Know About What Works}, abstract = {

Women earn approximately half of all bachelor{\textquoteright}s degrees in political science but
they comprise only 22\% of full professors. Scholars have offered various likely explanations
and proposed many interventions to improve women{\textquoteright}s advancement. This article reviews
existing research regarding the effectiveness of these interventions. We find that many of
the proposed interventions have yet to be fully evaluated. Furthermore, some of the policies
that have been evaluated turn out to be ineffective. Women{\textquoteright}s mentoring and networking
workshops are the most promising of the fully tested interventions. The potential for
failure underscores the need for additional evaluation of any proposed intervention before
widespread implementation.

}, year = {2020}, journal = {PS: Political Science \& Politics}, volume = {53}, number = {4}, pages = {718{\textendash}722}, publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, doi = {10.1017/S1049096520000402}, }